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New Contract Package Awarded by MINO!

Henan Quanshun Copper Co. Ltd. is a recently established private company located in Xinxiang City, Henan Province, that is part of the Henan Quanshun Wire Co. Ltd. Group, active in the field of copper processing since 1984.

The new facility is under construction and will cover a large area that will be used for the production of high quality copper strips for different applications, including advanced electronics.

On December 18, 2011 Henan Quanshun Copper Co. Ltd. awarded MINO a large Contract for the supply of three high-spec cold mills that will be installed in the new Xinxiang facility.

The Contract is part of the Company’s business plan for a large investment that will be completed in 2013 and will aim at serving advanced industry sectors, such as the one producing energy-saving electrical appliances.

The Contract package includes one Four-High Rolling Mill, one Six-High Rolling Mill and one Foil Mill.

Key data of the Mills:

Four-High Rolling Mill

Type of Alloys:
Max. Entry Strip Width:
Max. Entry Strip Thickness:
Min. Exit Strip Thickness:
Max. Coil Weight:
Max. Rolling Speed:

Copper and Copper Alloys
680 mm
18 mm
0,5 mm
10 t
450 m/min

Six-High Rolling Mill

Type of Alloys:
Max. Entry Strip Width:
Max. Entry Strip Thickness:
Min. Exit Strip Thickness:
Max. Coil Weight:
Max. Rolling Speed:

Copper and Copper Alloys
680 mm
2 mm
0,05 mm
10 t
600 m/min

Foil MIll

Type of Alloys:
Max. Entry Strip Width:
Max. Entry Strip Thickness:
Min. Exit Strip Thickness:
Max. Coil Weight:
Max. Rolling Speed:

Copper and Copper Alloys
660 mm
0,20 mm
0,006 mm
3 t
600 m/min

Contract signing ceremony between Mr. Li Quan Shun, owner of Henan Quanshun Copper Co. Ltd., and Mr. Cesare Pettazzi, Managing Director of MINO S.p.A.